Open Spaces
What are Open Spaces?
Open spaces are a way for people to come together to talk about topics, ideas or whatever they want. Any subject that two or more attendees want to talk about is a candidate for an Open Space.
How do I participate in an Open Spaces?
It's pretty easy: just show up :)
During PyCon, there will be an Open Space board somewhere near the registration desk. The board acts as a time table for all the Open Spaces, so you know where and when to go for the Open Spaces you're interested in. If a topic is not listed yet, find an open time slot and add it!
Where and when are the Open Spaces?
The Open Spaces are in a set of of dedicated rooms(2nd floor) during all two of the conference days (Saturday and Sunday).
How do I host Open Spaces?
There will be an Sticky Note near the Open Space Board. Just fill in the name and a short description of your Open space, and then pin your note on the Open Space board in the room and time slot you want.